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Call for Speakers Deadline Extended - Submit by August 30!

Enterprise Connect Orlando 2025 Call for Speakers deadline has been extended until August 30! We are looking to make Enterprise Connect a more diverse and inclusive program, featuring peer-to-peer and unbiased industry speakers who offer tangible takeaways, solutions and lessons learned that attendees can apply to their own enterprises. Our attendees are eager to hear from and meet you!

How to Submit a Proposal

If you are interested in submitting a proposal to speak at Enterprise Connect Orlando (March 17-20, 2025), there are three critically important criteria that will be strictly enforced:

  • We will only consider vendor-neutral proposals
  • No sales pitches, even thinly-veiled, will make it to the evaluation process
  • Enterprise end-user speakers will be given top priority during the evaluation process

The basis of the proposal or the presentation may not be the promotion or marketing of a product.

Benefits of Being a Speaker

  • Free conference registration for you and a colleague!
  • Boost your credibility - gain recognition as a leader in the industry!
  • Expand your network - connect with attendees and speakers who share your interests, challenges, and goals
  • Learn new skills - get inspired by other speakers
  • Increase your visibility - gain exposure to a wider and more diverse audience, and reach people who may not know you
  • Enjoy the experience - express yourself, share your passion, and make a difference